Baby Talk,  Lifestyle,  What We Know

Is Weight Loss Surgery Giving Up?

How often do you pause to think what others might think of the choices you make?

Daily? Every time you’re about to make a life-changing choice? When you buy/invest in anything for yourself, do you do it for others, or do you think of yourself first and how you’ll feel about it?… 

I’ll tell you this, I stopped caring what others* thought about my life choices a while back, because you know what? They don’t pay my bills and they don’t live my life. *By others I mean strangers. My family comes first and I will consult with them because it is important to have people you trust in your life; however, at the end of the day, I will do what’s right for myself/health.

All that said, I will confess I struggled with this. I asked myself: “is getting weight loss surgery giving up?”, because I felt I was abandoning all the hard-work I had done in the past to become a healthier version of me. Not for fear about what others thought about me, but what I would end up thinking about myself. Am I not strong enough? 

Here’s the thing, though, I’ve tried so many different methods (see my previous post about it), so many diets, so many lifestyle changes, so may tears, so many gyms (!), SO. MANY. LOST. YEARS, just so much. I feel like I keep “failing myself” and it’s so hard to feel life you’ve failed your body this much and not want to give up and raid all the Dunkin’ Donuts.

So, friend, I decided to give my body the ultimate and best tool I can: weight loss surgery. A month from now, I will be undergoing weight loss surgery and I am the most excited about my future that I’ve been in a while!

I’m not kidding myself here. I know it will be hard work to help my body adjust to what will be my new life. But I’m done working “harder, not smarter”.  Friend, know that there’s no shame in accepting when you need help. I have and I’m ready, baby.

And speaking of babies, what does the surgery do to my TTC plans, you ask?

Well, undoubtedly, that has been paused for the next 12 to 18 months. I have to give my body time to heal and my nutrition levels to even out. I won’t lie and tell you that it doesn’t make me sad to have to wait this much longer (speaking as no-longer-a-spring-chicken, hahaha) I know my years of fertility are reduced the longer I wait. But I’m very hopeful that I’ll be ready then, and so will my body. 

I AM STRONG! Strong enough to put myself first and strong enough to make this choice for myself. 

And I’m so ready.

I love sharing fun facts and reading anything I can get my hands on. I live for wine, movies, books, and knitting! Travel and baking are my passions!

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